Story of Inside the Gospel

Black and white photo of a hand with a pen drawing two stacks of books. The larger one is labeled "What I Thought I Knew," and the much shorter one, "What I Think I Know Now."

Hello! My name is Ethan Merck. I started Inside the Gospel on Instagram in 2019. This project brings together two of my core loves - drawing and the good news about Jesus Christ.

As a pastor’s kid raised in a robust doctrinal environment, God has been at work in my life for decades, rescuing me from long-term addiction, intellectual doubts, pharisaical pride, and despair in suffering.

Throughout the ups and downs of the process, his deliverance has centered on one thing: coming to know my savior Jesus Christ better, and the Father through him, by discovering a side of the Gospel that was completely new to me - the inside. Vista after vista has opened over the years, deeper into inner workings of deliverance than I had ever dreamed before.

I want that deliverance for you too

Black and white photo of hand with a pen drawing a picture of a path going deeper into a crystal cave. A sign near the entrance says, "A man is justified by faith." Deeper in a sign reads, "The just shall live by faith."

My hope is to share with you truths I wish someone could have helped me see sooner: who God really is in my sin and suffering, and how complete a provision of salvation he has given through union with his Son.

Inside the Gospel can be found on Instagram & Facebook. Content consists of simple illustrations & microblogging to provide a steady drip of gospel encouragement, challenge, and celebration for your walk with God.

Join us! Comment, share, reach out. Community & discussion help us grow in living out our union with Christ in real life.

Inside the Gospel project logo square

Some ItG Posts from Instagram: