Union with Christ is not
essentially mystical.

Cover shot of Union with Christ Primer, an e-book by Ethan Merck, turned toward the left

Many theologians describe Union with Christ as “mystical,” highlighting the need to use our imaginations in understanding what it means. But when we make this our main emphasis, it can overshadow the fact that Union with Christ is not ultimately something ethereal, but concretely and vitally real.

God’s Word points out many benefits and implications of Union with Christ, and uses a range of analogies to explain it.

But what is Union really? What does the concept basically mean, the underlying reality we can rest our souls on?

In Union with Christ Primer, author Ethan Merck introduces us to the core reality of Union - a change of being in Christ more real than what we can now see, touch, taste and hear.

Drawing on Scripture and expositors from the past and present, he explains how Jesus gives himself to us as our rock-solid home base, and the inexhaustible source of love, joy, and peace we need in our daily struggles with sanctification and growth in Christlikeness.

Anticipated launch date for Union with Christ Primer is 2024. The title will be available for free download upon release.